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4 Tips to Improve Your Product Display on WooCommerce


As an online retailer, you have a very different process when it comes to selling products. While brick-and-mortar locations have signs, displays, and products that can be held, you’re working with pixels on a screen. It’s true that this makes it much simpler & cheaper to run a business, but it also means you have to maximize your virtual WooCommerce storefront – your website – for sales & conversions.

4 Tips to Improve Your Product Display on WooCommerce

While a lot of focus is put on the homepage and graphics the site offers, some eCommerce businesses forget that they have to display their products just like traditional stores do to entice buyers. They can’t hold the item, they won’t be able to inspect it themselves, and they’re overall less informed for their purchase. This leads to a harder sale & less profit for you.

Fortunately, there are simple plugins that you can use to take your product displays to the next level. Below are 4 ways to upgrade your product pages (and plugins to use) so that they better simulate an in-store location & better overall buying experience.

Use Dynamic Image Galleries

When someone is buying a product online, they’re missing out on one of the largest selling points a product may have – the ability to inspect, hold, or test it to gain information. If they picked it up in a store they could see every angle, “zoom in” to any particular spot they want, feel the texture, and more. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t possible to do online.

In order to provide the most information to the customer so that they can feel confident in a purchase, it is best to create a gallery of images from various angles (including any fine prints or specifications that are hard to see). You can also consider using an image gallery that allows for some level of interaction. In the same way Nike allows you to rotate your customized shoes on their site, you can offer a 360° view of a product with a plugin like WooCommerce 360° Image that gives as close to an in-store experience as possible.

Style Your Fonts & Format

While WooCommerce is an incredibly effective ecommerce application, it isn’t necessarily the most attractive. After spending so much time & money on making your site look good, it would be silly to stick with the default WooCommerce product page layout & font styling.

Editing your layout allows you to include the most important parts of your product where they make the most sense. Whether that’s positioning your “add to cart” button differently, adding extra text to help make the sale, or embedding custom HTML into the page for a unique attraction, a plugin like WooCommerce Single Product Page lets you get creative to really bring the product display to another level.

Editing your text to match your website’s style is another important way to blend your product pages with the rest of your site. With the WooCommerce Customizer, you can change the heading and body fonts, sizes, colors, and more on every page or a unique combo on a single page. This ensures your product display doesn’t look incredibly basic & out of place on your complex & beautiful website.

Include Product Variation Swatches

If you’re selling a single product like a piece of clothing with multiple colors, styles, or other variations it’s important to make it easy to make (and see) changes. If you have multiple products that are treated separately in your store, it can get confusing for customers to find what they want when switching between variations. It’s also important that you can actually see the changes you’re making. After all, if you change the color to blue you want to know if it’s a royal blue, a baby blue, or somewhere in between.

The Product Variation Swatches plugin allows your customer to choose variations of a product & see them update in real time. You can customize the button styles, add custom images & labels, and more to rid yourself of boring dropdown menus.

Integrate Cart / Checkout Onto Product Pages

When it comes to your eCommerce store, there’s more to your product display than just the products themselves. In addition to providing convenient features like interactive images and easy navigation to other products, you want to make the page itself efficient so that it can better convert interest into sales.

One way to do this is to introduce the cart summary or checkout form (if it is very short) onto a specific product’s page. This allows the user to see their cart, total, use discounts, and overall cut down the time it takes from adding to your cart to submitting the order. Handsome Checkout makes this easy to do, allowing you to add checkout to ANY page in addition to a variety of other features like adjusting your cart on the fly or providing a clean checkout template no matter how many products you have.


Despite being the forgotten part of many websites, your product pages are actually one of the biggest selling points of your business. Sure, you need an attention grabbing site & seamless checkout, but you also need to sell your products to the customers (or at least make them easy to find). The 4 plugins we’ve mentioned above will allow you to customize & upgrade your product pages which will help you convert more customers and earn more sales.

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in Tips and Tricks

In 2009 he started contributing to WordPress and couple years later built his first WooCommerce store. Now he's helping WooCommerce storeowners all over the world make more money with their stores. Wordpress problem solving expert, backend developer, founder of BogdanFix.

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